【作者】 李中友;
【Author】 Li Zhongyou(Technology Center,Changcheng Special Steel Co.,Ltd,Pangang Group,Jiangyou,Sichuan,621701)
【机构】 上海盛而昌特钢长城特殊钢有限公司技术中心;
【摘要】 针对攀长钢公司渗碳轴承钢G20CrNi2MoA采用¨电炉 真空处理 电渣¨生产试制的工艺中控制钢中的[O]、高倍夹杂及碳化物带状组织等问题进行了生产工艺的探讨,对该钢形成批量生产,以满足铁路用渗碳轴承钢的要求具有积极的意义。 更多还原
【Abstract】 Focusing on the problems such as how to control [O],inclusions and carbide banded structures in the steel,and so on,which occurred in the process of trial-producing G20CrNi2MoA carburizing bearing steel by using ¨EF VD ESR¨,this paper studied the production process of the steel so as to meet the requirements of carburizing bearing steel for railway.This research has an obvious positive significance for the batch production of the steel. 更多还原
【关键词】 渗碳轴承钢; 非金属夹杂; 碳化物带状组织;
【Key words】 Carburizing bearing steel; Non-metallic inclusions; Carbide banded structures;